The Legal Influence Podcast Episode 020: Influencer Marketing Platforms – What You Really Need to Know Before Signing Up & Working With Brands

The Legal Influence Podcast Episode 020: Influencer Marketing Platforms - What You Really Need to Know Before Signing Up & Working With Brands

The information contained in this episode is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal advice. Listening to this episode or relying on information from this episode does not ever create an attorney-client relationship between you and Katherine Jaquith (aka Kate Cooper). Please speak with a licensed attorney for individual advice.

In this episode of The Legal Influence Podcast, Kate discusses what creators need to consider before joining an influencer marketing platform or signing up for a campaign through one of these platforms.

Influencer marketing platforms can be an easy way for creators to find campaigns and connect with brands, but it’s important to fully understand how a platform works and the terms that you’re agreeing to. Learn why you need to carefully review a platform’s terms of use, and what common licensing terms really mean.

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Highlight of the Episode Include:

  • How influencer marketing platforms can take work off of your plate. (01:56)
  • The importance of understanding how a platform works. (03:51)
  • Why it’s important to review a platform’s terms of use/terms of service. (07:35)
  • Breakdown of the licensing terms from an actual influencer marketing platform. (08:24)

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