How to Negotiate a Brand Deal Contract: 10 Tips For Influencers & Content Creators

The information contained in “How to Negotiate a Brand Deal Contract: 10 Tips For Influencers & Content Creators” is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal advice. Reading this article or relying on information from this article does not ever create an attorney-client relationship between you and Katherine Jaquith (aka Kate Cooper). Please speak with a licensed attorney for personalized business advice.

If you are an influencer or content creator, having a solid contract negotiation strategy is essential to landing high paying brand deals. Learning to negotiate a brand deal contract can be intimidating, but it’s an essential skill for influencers and content creators who want to build successful businesses and long-term relationships with brands. This article covers ten tips to help take some of the stress out of negotiating your next brand deal contract.

Four brown horses stand in a green meadow behind a wooden fence in front of the Teton mountains in Grand Teton National Park.

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How to Negotiate A Brand Deal Contract

1. Be clear on your goals and expectations.

Before you begin negotiating your brand deal contract, it’s important to be clear on your goals and expectations for the partnership. What are you hoping to achieve by partnering with this brand? How are you going to set your rate based on the deliverables and terms of the partnership? What are your must-haves and deal-breakers? By being clear on your goals and expectations, you can approach the negotiation with confidence and clarity.

2. Understand the brand’s goals and expectations.

In addition to being clear on your own goals and expectations, it’s important to have a general understanding about the brand’s goals and expectations for the partnership. What are they hoping to achieve? Are you being hired as an influencer or as a UGC creator? Are they looking to drive conversions? Build brand awareness and trust? What type of content are they looking for? Have they provided a creative brief?

By understanding the brand’s goals and expectations, you can tailor your rate to meet their needs and increase your chances of landing the partnership. Understanding the brand’s goals will also help you determine the level of work that is going to be involved in creating the content, which should also inform your rates.

3. Be prepared to compromise when you negotiate a brand deal contract.

Negotiation is all about finding a middle ground and coming to an agreement that is mutually beneficial for both parties. While it’s important to be clear on your goals for the partnership, it’s also important to be prepared to compromise in order to reach an agreement, especially if it’s a brand that you really want to work with. This might mean adjusting your rate, changing the number of deliverables, or agreeing to certain contract terms that you wouldn’t normally agree to. Some partnerships require more flexibility than others. Ultimately you want to make sure that you feel good about any partnership that you enter into!

4. Know your worth. 

While it’s important to be prepared to compromise, it’s also important to know your worth and stand firm on your value when you negotiate a brand deal contract. Don’t sell yourself short or agree to terms that don’t align with your goals for your content creation business. Know what your bottom line number is (the lowest number that you’re willing to accept). If a brand is unwilling to be flexible or meet your needs, it may be best to walk away and look for other opportunities. 

5. Communicate your value.

In addition to knowing your worth, it’s also essential to know your value as an influencer or content creator when you negotiate a brand deal contract. This means understanding your reach, engagement, who your audience is, and your level of influence over your audience. You can use tools like social media analytics, past brand partnerships, Google analytics, and audience demographics to quantify your value and demonstrate your worth to brands. You can also leverage special skills (like professional photography) or having a particular identity that the brand is trying to highlight (like being an LGBTQ+ creator during Pride Month).

Instead of simply stating your rates, communicate the value that you bring to the brand. Explain how your content will help them achieve their goals, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or building brand loyalty. By framing your rates in terms of the value you bring, you can justify your rates and make it easier for the brand to see the benefits of working with you.

If you want to check out what other creators are charging brands, check out FYPM.

6. Start high.

When negotiating your rates, it’s always a good idea to start with a higher rate than you are ultimately willing to accept. This gives you room to negotiate and allows you to communicate your value to the brand. The brand may come back and tell you they have a limited budget, or they may accept your rate (hint: if every brand is accepting your rate without any negotiating, it’s time to raise your rate- you don’t know what you may be leaving on the table!). Don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth, even if it seems like a high number. Remember, brands are investing in your influence and/or rights to your content, and they should be willing to pay for it.

7. Offer alternative deliverables and terms.

If a brand has a limited budget and can’t afford your rates, you can consider modifying the deliverables or terms of the partnership so you can work with what a brand has. This might include granting usage rights for a shorter term, limiting exclusivity to a smaller number of other brands, or decreasing the number of social media posts you’re making. By offering alternatives, you can show the brand that you’re flexible and willing to work with them to find a solution that benefits both parties.

8. Sign a contract.

Once you and the brand have agreed to the terms of the partnership, it’s important to put everything in a written contract that is signed by both parties. This includes the pricing, deliverables, usage rights, exclusivity, timeline, payments terms, and any other terms and conditions that you have agreed to. Having a contract helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that both parties are on the same page. It also helps to protect you in the event of a dispute.

The brand will usually provide the contract, however it will likely be drafted to favor the brand, which is why it’s important to read and revise your contract appropriately. We offer a DIY Content Creator Contract Template that is drafted to protect creators that you can present to a brand as an alternative to using their contract.

Quick Tip: Make sure you only sign ONE contract that lays out ALL of the terms when you work with a brand!

9. Communicate clearly and professionally.

Effective communication is one of the keys to successfully negotiate a brand deal contract. In general, brand partnership negotiations are pretty informal (you’re probably not meeting with the brand in a boardroom for hours hashing out details). However, it’s important to remember to be clear, concise, and professional when communicating with the brand. Listen carefully to their needs and concerns, and respond in a way that is respectful and collaborative. Don’t be afraid to provide edits to the brand that change the terms of the contract. Remember that the contract was likely drafted to protect the brand. You want to make sure that you’re also protected!

10. Know when to walk away

Finally, it’s important to know when to walk away from a negotiation that isn’t working in your favor. Not every partnership opportunity will be a good fit. Knowing when to walk away is the most valuable tool you have in your negotiation toolbox. If a brand isn’t willing to pay your rates or isn’t valuing your work, it may be best to decline the partnership and focus on other opportunities. Remember, you have the power to choose the brands you work with, and it’s important to only work with brands that value your expertise and compensate you fairly.

Go Out & Negotiate You Next Brand Deal Contract!

Taking the time to negotiate a brand deal contract doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By knowing your worth, focusing on the value you bring, being flexible with the partnership terms, and knowing when to walk away, you can negotiate high paying brand partnerships and build a successful career as an influencer or content creator. 

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